Saturday, July 4, 2009

Carving Out Personal Time

Jackie Kennedy adhered to a routine of devoting 2 hours per week to her personal care regime. This was when she would have a great soak, facial, manicure, pedicure and re-organize her wardrobe (or at least instructed others to - now that’s a treat).

Two hours a week for self indulgence
, organization of personal space and image skill development, is essential for self care (physically and mentally), improved proficiency and confidence, and an excellent investment in time and life management. Its important to commit to a specific time and place every week and then take action! If new and improved regimens are not practiced they simply remain nothing more than just plans.

The key word is implementation! Whatever skills you may need to develop to enhance your image could be studied during this time. Once expertise is honed and you are well organized, use these occasions for the more relaxing, self-awareness, creative or de-stressing activities. Make this commitment and take the action and I promise that you will reap tremendous rewards.

Little Self Indulgences
  • Buy one of your favourite cut flowers - or a whole bouquet - definitely something visual!
  • Use candles - even in the middle of the day if that’s your designated “self indulgent time”.
  • During your 2 hours play some favourite music (preferably something relaxing), use aroma therapy, and wear something that makes you feel wonderful. If necessary, buy an item just for this purpose.
  • Don’t answer the door, your iphone, cyber-beckonings or those from family members (unless it’s a dire emergency).
  • Make sure all your senses are involved for stronger associations.

Buy some special note paper and write, yes write, a letter of appreciation to someone afterward while you are feeling soothed and de-stressed and transmit it the old fashioned way with an envelope and stamp. Or journal your feelings - this activity is one of the best self-mastery activities you can indulge in. After about 4 or 5 “self indulgent” sessions, the music, flowers, candles and clothing will become a positive trigger and serve to reinforce the positive results you are creating.

Information, Lessons, Manuals, Services

Sharon Danley, Master Artist


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